Arena Battle

Infinite Streak

4 Star Arena:

  • Match 1-9: Matches are easiest so use weak champs so you can save stronger champs for higher matches. Use top 9 teams that consist of champions less than fully ranked/leveled 3*. Start with lowest of the 9 and work your way up to maximize points.
  • Match 10-12: Use two maxed out 3* and use your weakest champ (i.e. rank 1, level 1 3* or lower). This will give you a easier match up for the two 3* at the expense of throwing the fight for the weaker champ.
  • Match 13-15: Use rank 3/level 30 4* champs. You should get the generic Kang's Team which is easier to beat (no masteries, less likely to use special attacks). If you have a hard time beating the opponent then use health and attack boosts.
  • Match 16+: Use maxed out 3* and above.

Catalyst Clash Basic:

It costs 10,000 Battle Chips to join so make sure you save up that much before it starts. It also requires 1,000 gold per match so save up about 15,000 gold.

  • Match 1-9: Matches are easiest so use weak champs so you can save stronger champs for higher matches. Use top 9 teams that consist of champions less than maxed out 3*. Start with lowest of the 9 and work your way up to maximize points.
  • Match 10-12: Use your strongest maxed out 3*. You'll normally get 2 opponents that are about 2300 then one that's about 3200. If the matches are too hard then spend units for easier match up. You'll usually only have to pay 5 units per match and that's only on 11 and 12.
    Alternatively you can also sandbag by using two maxed 3* and one low 3*. Give up one fight to make the other 2 easier. Use weak 3* on the third match which is usually the hardest.
  • Match 13: Use your top champs. You'll need three 4/40 4*. You should get easy matches. You'll fight a Kang/Thanos team (easier AI and no masteries).If you don't have enough 4/40 4* champions then you'll have to pay units several times to get easy match (could cost upwards of 100 units). 
  • Match 14-15: Use two 4/40 4* and one 3/30 4*. If you only have 2 4/40 4* then use units to recharge the ones you used in match 13. You should get medium matches against a Kang/Thanos team.
  • Match 16-20: Use any 3/30 4* and above to be on the safe side. You should start getting easy matches here. Use units to recharge your 3/30 4* champions if you don't have enough.
  • Match 20+: Use maxed out 3* and above. Always use your best champions first to get the maximum amount of points in minimum amount of time. If you have 5* champion use it first since they give 3x the points but recharge time is 6 hours.
For the average player it takes between 60-80 battles to get to the required 1.1 million points needed for T4 catalyst depending on how many 4* and 5*'s you have.

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