Alliance Wars

Map Paths for 100% Completion:


For now we are only doing 2 groups.


  • Good idea to take in champions that have heal capabilities (Wolverine, Dr.Strange, Ultron, Ironman, Superior Ironman)
  • If you can't decide between champions of relatively the same rank and level choose ones with synergies to give the synergy to the whole team boosting your rating.
  • We get 50 points for KO'ing opponent's champion. They get 100 points for KO'ing one of us. If you use a revive make sure you heal and use health/attack boosts. Otherwise if you get KO'ed again we're just giving the opponents points.
Line 1 (Red)
  • Node 47 has All or Nothing (saves up for level 3 super). The Vision is good to combat this as he has Power Steal.
Line 2 (Orange)
  • Node 16 has All or Nothing (saves up for level 3 super). The Vision is good to combat this as he has Power Steal.
Line 4 (Green)
  • Node 40 has Thorns (each hit on opponent deals 15% to you). Use a champion that has heal/regeneration like Ultron, Wolverine, Iron Man.
Line 5 (Cyan)
Line 6 (Light Blue)
Line 7 (Dark Blue)
Line 8 (Purple)
Line 9 (Pink)
  • Node 30 has All or Nothing (saves up for level 3 super). The Vision is good to combat this as he has Power Steal.
  • Node 38 has Slashed Tires (lose health each time you dash back). Use a champion that has good block like Captain America or can heal like Iron Man, Wolverine, Ultron.
  • Node 40 has Thorns (each hit on opponent deals 15% to you). Use a champion that has heal/regeneration like Ultron, Wolverine, Iron Man.

Defense Tips

Champion Selection:
  • Save your top 3 champions for offence. Choose between your next highest champions for defense. Any 4* rank 4 level 40 and/or duped champion is good.
  • Choose champions with annoying to play against powers (e.g. unstoppable, regen, armor break, bleed/poison, etc.)
  • Also choosing champions based on synergies which gives a boost to the entire team.
  • DON'T use Ant-Man or Captain America on offence unless he's rank 4 level 40. His fatigue just gives the enemy free healing if they have Will Power mastery. We only have 2 nodes that have heal block so we can only take 2 Ant-Man/Captain Americas.
  • For boss
    • Duped 4* Deadpool (original) is the best as it has continuous regeneration
    • Duped 4* Ironman or Superior Ironman is good too since he regenerates at 15% health.
    • Duped 4* Ultron is good since he regenerates at 50% and 25%.
  • For loaded 2nd special (node 13-19) Thor works best
  • For thorns (40-45) Groot is best champ, we use Electron instead
  • Critical hits Black Widow works best. 22 is the best spot.
  • Power gain spot 21 good to use Ultron but can use Deadpool or Dr. Strange, or even Colossus

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